Keyword Thief, Metatag Thief, Algo Cracker, Site Analyzer

Keyword Thief 3.0 - Keyword-collecting spider

This product is now also known as MetaTag Thief, because not only extracts the Keyword metatag, also the others.

Metatag Thief enters your SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) and collects the keywords from the listed websites.

It now also includes Site Metatag Analyzer, that provides additional capabilities.

Fast and easy Intelligence work on your competitors.

Use the best keywords for your PPC (pay per click) campaigns, or for creation of efficient gateway pages.

Keyword Thief - keyword extracting spider


Other Metatags: Title and Description

Site Metatag Analyzer:

Site Metatag Analyzer Spiders a whole website to extract all the Metatags.

The huge amount of data obtained by crawling the first 1000 pages in Google needed a statistical tool in order to produce useful information. Thus, we prepared our tool to take page ranges and calculate averages. Pages ranked in SERP 1-20 are compared to 20-40, 40-60 and so on. In that way, we can find those keyword densities that correlate with rank.

The main screen leads you to Google or any other SE. Then, you can search for the keywords you want, and then launch the Spider. It will collect the keywords in all the pages retrieved by the SE, and save them to a .txt file for use in keyword research, AdWords or other PPC campaigns, web optimization and other tasks.


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